Comparing three open-source CRM Software Capsule, Zoho, and FreeCRM
Posted by Unknown on Minggu, 20 Maret 2016 at 00.32
Abstract— Developing and maintaining
relationships with customers can be a challenge. In order to maintain those
relationships, a CRM system is a must-have tools. But it's an essential task
for businesses growth and survival. The Purpose of CRM, like any organizational
initiative is to increase profit, in case of CRM, this is achieved mainly by
providing a better service to your customers than your competitors. CRM not
only improves the service to customers though; a good CRM capability will also
reduce costs, wastage, and complaints Effective CRM also reduces staff stress,
because attrition - a major cause of stress - reduces as services and
relationships improve. CRM systems are one area in which open source shines
brightly. Most open source CRMs system only require a web server, database, and
browser to run.
Keywords- CRM, open-source CRM, Capsule, Zoho, FreeCRM
I. Introduction
Developing and maintaining relationships with
customers can be a challenge. But it's an essential task for businesses growth
and survival. In order to maintain those relationships, a CRM system is a
must-have tools.
CRM is short for customer relationship management.
A CRM system is a web application that businesses use to organize information
about their customers, leads, and other contacts. But a CRM system is more than
just a list of contacts. It contains customers' details and history of their
transactions with an organization, along with information about those
customers' place or status in the sales process.
Many CRM systems can hook into financial and
accounting systems to help organizations track earnings and costs. They can
also provide analytics that enable a business to better predict a customer's
future needs.
CRM systems are one area in which open source
shines brightly. Most open source CRMs system only require a web server,
database, and browser to run. Let's examine six open source tools designed to
make managing customer relationships easier.
Based on that phenomenon, our team will try to
make a comparison of three open-source from hundreds CRM software available on the net.
II. discussion
Fig. 1 Capsule logo
is free for up to two users with 10 MB of storage, and 250 contacts. To
upgrade, it’s $12/user/month. With the upgrade comes two gigabytes of storage,
50,000 contacts, and integration with such applications as Mailchimp and
best feature, according to its many glowing reviews, is its ability to
integrate with at least 33 other software programs, including Mailchimp,
Freshbooks, and Gmail.
fact, according to the reviews, the only place Capsule is really lacking as a
system is its customer support. While they have a FAQs section as well as helpful
articles posted on their page, if you need any help after hours, you’re sunk.
In addition, they offer no direct phone service. Rather, you must submit a
form, though they do claim to call you back within a single business day.
PostgreSql,Sql, Oracle
Programming Language
Php, Ruby, Java
Maximum Users
- Architecture
is cloud base CRM which is can connect to many Cloud Apps
Fig. 2 Capsule Architecture
- Functionalities
a. Easy to manage sales pipeline
Fig. 3 Managing sales pipeline
o Capsule
can track bids, deals, proposals, and other opportunities.
o Share
opportunities with co-workers to enable easy collaboration.
o Get a
quick summary of opportunities on the go via the sales dashboard including
potential values, where they're up to and what needs to be done next.
o Keep
track of where each opportunity is at, using milestones such as prospect ->
meeting -> proposal -> won etc. Each milestone is linked with a success
factor that is used to forecast potential sales revenues. Capsule includes a
standard set of milestones or you can configure your own.
o Keep
track of the history of an opportunity by adding notes and attaching documents.
o Generate
reports and extracts from the pipeline using configurable filters.
b. To-do list and calendar
Fig. 4 Creating to-do list and
Create tasks for appointments, meetings, phone calls,
submission deadlines etc.
Link tasks with contacts, opportunities or
cases so it's easy to refer back to what the task was about
Share tasks with co-workers.
If you have standard processes such as the
way you approach each sale configure these as "Tracks" in Capsule to
enable the same set of tasks to be followed for each sales opportunity or case.
Each task in a track can be linked to the previous task. For example, a
"call back" task can be set due 5 days after an "initial
call" task.
c. Custom categories
Fig. 5 Building custom categories
Extend tags with your own custom fields that
are relevant to your business. For example, if you sell to customers through
partners you could add your own fields to the customer tag to record who the
introducing partner was and the date of introduction.
Customize the sales milestones and process
Use "Tracks" to create standard
processes for opportunities and cases.
Brand your Capsule account using your colors
and logo.
- Introduction
Fig 6. Zoho logo
Zoho is one of the big dogs of business software,
so it’s pretty cool that they offer a free program. This CRM version is free
for three users and 5,000 records. It comes with a mobile app and social CRM
among other things. This CRM version is free for 10 users and 5,000 records. It
comes with a mobile app and social CRM among other things. Their first step
upgrade (for more users, features, and 100,000 records) is only $12/user/month.
Zoho is well known for being easy to use with
highly developed importing features.Unfortunately, Zoho is not as feature-rich
as other CRMs.
Zoho Corp.
Programming Language
Maximum Users
- Architecture
Zoho is online CRM which is can connect to other ERP
Fig 7. Zoho architecture
- Functionalities
CRM on-the-go
Fig 8. CRM Mobile features
Zoho CRM Mobile Edition is a native application
that lets you access your CRM data anywhere, anytime from your mobile phones
(iPhone, iPad and Android). With the Zoho CRM Mobile Edition, you will stay on
top of the latest business developments, collaborate with your team and take
the right business decisions, no matter where you are.
Access customer information while on the go and
respond to calls or emails instantly. You can even find contacts and prospects
nearby your current location and get the driving directions from the customer
address information.
Sales Force
Fig 9. Sales force automation
Zoho's sales force automation solution drives
sales force performance and profitability by giving you everything you need to
sell smarter. By automating your processes, it frees your people to concentrate
on creating leads, closing deals and growing your customer relationships. Zoho
SFA makes it simple to perform:
Lead generation and qualification
Pipeline analysis
Sales stage and probability analysis
Competitive analysis
Sales forecasting
Quota management
Opportunity Tracking Software
Zoho CRM's sales opportunity tracking module
provides an exclusive interface to store and manage information details
relative to opportunities with fields like stage, probability and expected
revenue. A quick assessment of opportunities is possible through reports and
dashboards (sales funnel) specific to opportunity management.
Opportunities can be imported from external CRM
solutions and associated with other records like contacts, competitors,
products, and sales stage history, giving you a perspective covering all
aspects of the sale. The Big Deal alert option can be used to signal everyone
concerned about a major deal completed or nearing completion. Overall it
enables you to close more deals while offering insight into improving future
Free CRM
Fig 10. Free CRM Logo
Here’s another CRM that claims to be #1 at
something. This time its #1 at online free CRM software for business (so again,
technically no rivalry!).
This free version comes with 100 free users,
100,00 contacts, and all the basic features. The upgrade fee is
$24.95/user/month for more features, storage, and support. Two major drawbacks
up front: you only get one year free, and no customer support.
So what makes FreeCRM worth it? First, their
upgraded system is actually one of the most affordable CRMs on the market for
mid to large sized businesses. Second, it’s a web-based solution, so you don’t
need to create an expensive and time-consuming infrastructure to host it on, meaning
pretty much anyone can get it up and running with ease.
Programming Language
Java, Ruby
Maximum Users
Free CRM is free CRM software for business
Fig 11. FreeCRM Architecture
Fig 12. Company management features
Unlike typical contact management software
systems, Free CRM does a lot more than merely capture leads. It moves you to
the all-important next step of pursuing them in the most productive, efficient,
and effective way so you can maximize their conversion to opportunities and
ultimately, to successful sales.
Fig 13. CRM Synchronization features
Sync your data to Windows and Outlook, iPhone,
Android and Blackberry devices as well as PocketPC and Windows Mobile. True
2-Way Synchronization for handhelds and mobile devices, tablets, as well as
Microsoft Outlook and Windows.
using email
Fig 14. Zoho logo
CRM email functionality is not supposed to replace
your current mail system or client, but works together with your existing email
system to provide an automated distribution and integrated CRM system. Using
your own POP account, you can distribute and track emails to customers, and
with new loyalty management feature, you can create coupons and promotions and
track them as customers and their friends drive more business to you with
rewards programs
III. conclusion
The ultimate purpose of CRM, like any organizational initiative, is
to increase profit. In the case of CRM this is achieved mainly by providing a
better service to your customers than your competitors. CRM not only improves
the service to customers though; a good CRM capability will also reduce costs,
wastage, and complaints Effective CRM also reduces staff stress, because
attrition - a major cause of stress - reduces as services and relationships
There are many tools that can be use for CRM, each tools can be use
for many use, with purpose to increase benefit of the organization.
Either Capsule, Zoho, and Free CRM has its pros
and cons. Capsule can be used for maximum 2 free users, while Zoho and Free CRM
are 10 and 100 respectively. For Free Contacts, Zoho leading with provide
unlimited users, while FreeCRM giving 100.000 users for free, followed by
Capsule with only 250 users. For Free Storage, Zoho again into the lead with
unlimited quota, also in Free Support, Zoho providing full service, which other
competitors can not provide. Last but not least, for the price. Capsule and
Zoho tariffing 12 $ if you upgrade into pro member, While Free CRM costs 24,95
$ /user/mo.
Anonym []. Capsule CRM .[Online]. Available : [Feb 28,2016]
Anonym []. Free CRM .[Online]. Available : [Feb 28,2016]
Anonym []. Zoho .[Online]. Available : [Feb 28,2016]
Scott[2016]. Top 6 open source CRM Tools
for 2016. [Online]. Available:[Feb
[2015]. The 10 Best Free and Open Source
CRM Software Solution.[Online]. Available : [Feb 28,2016]
Created by :
Moch. Bambang Sulistio (1406649271)
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
Ahmad Bairuni Hasibuan (1406648981)
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia
Pendaftaran Rekrutmen OJK 2016 Pendidikan Calon Staf Angkatan ke 3 Lulusan S1
Posted by Unknown at 00.01
Terkait lowongan untuk teman-teman yang ingin bergabung di OJK Tahun 2016 untuk lulusan jenjang Sarjana, berikut Informasinya :
Persyaratan Umum
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Pria/ Wanita
- Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
- Telah menyelesaikan pendidikan minimal S1 atau S2 dari dalam atau luar negeri dengan melampirkan Ijazah yang berasal dari:
- Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
- Perguruan Tinggi Swasta dengan Akreditasi Jurusan minimal B.
- Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri harus mendapatkan acknowledgement/ endorsement Bachelor S1/S2 dari Ditjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (RISTEKDIKTI).
- IPK minimal 3.00 (skala 4.00).
- Usia (per 1 April 2016)
- S1 : maksimal 29 tahun
- S2 : maksimal 32 tahun
- Memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris
- Tidak mempunyai saudara kandung dan/atau suami/ istri yang bekerja sebagai Pegawai atau Calon Pegawai Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
- Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas dan melepas ikatan dinas dari perusahan/ instansi manapun
- Tidak pernah diberhentikan secara tidak hormat sebagai karyawan pada perusahaan/ instansi manapun
- Tidak pernah dan/atau tidak sedang dalam proses pengadilan atau terlibat dalam proses hukum
1. | Akuntansi, Ekonomi/Ekonomika dan Bisnis (Ilmu Ekonomi, Ekonomika, Studi Pembangunan, Manajemen, Bisnis), Ekonomi Syariah, Sosial Ekonomi, dan Manajemen | Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 (tiga) tahun di bidang perkreditan (Account Officer/ Relationship Manager),treasury, audit internal dan kepatuhan di industri perbankan atau berpengalaman di kantor akuntan publik yang pernah melakukan audit laporan keuangan bank serta analisa ekonomi/ pasar keuangan dan industri jasa keuangan. |
2. | Informatika (Teknik Informatika, Manajemen Informatika, Sistem Informasi), dan Ilmu Komputer | Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman:
3. | Hukum | Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman:
4. | Pertanian/Agribisnis, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, Arsitek, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Matematika, Statistik, Administrasi Niaga, Hubungan Internasional, dan Ilmu Komunikasi | Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman:
- PPM Manajemen adalah konsultan independen yang ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi
- Setiap pelamar hanya diperbolehkan mendaftar untuk 1 (satu) kali
- Seluruh biaya alat tulis, akomodasi dan transportasi selama proses seleksi menjadi tanggungan pelamar
- Pelamar tidak diperkenankan hamil selama proses rekrutmen seleksi dan selama masa pendidikan
- Pendaftaran hanya dapat dilakukan melalui situs-web . Panitia tidak menerima lamaran melalui pos atau media pengiriman lainnya
- Bagi Pelamar yang pernah mengirimkan lamaran ke OJK diwajibkan memperbaharui lamaran dengan melakukan registrasi online melalui situs-web tersebut di atas
- Pengumuman tiap tahapan seleksi akan dicantumkan dalam situs-web tersebut di atas
- Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi seluruhnya dilakukan oleh PPM Manajemen, kecuali wawancara user dan tes kesehatan
- Pelamar tidak diperkenankan menghubungi OJK dan PPM Manajemen dalam kaitannya dengan proses seleksi. Jika terbukti, panitia berhak menggugurkan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi pelamar terkait
- Hanya pelamar yang lulus dalam setiap tahapan seleksi yang akan dipanggil oleh PPM Manajemen untuk mengikuti proses selanjutnya
- Seluruh tahapan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Apabila ada pihak yang berusaha meminta biaya/menjanjikan sesuatu/menawarkan bantuan atas proses rekrutmen dan seleksi dapat melapor ke call center PPM Manajemen
- Keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen dan Seleksi adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat
- Masa waktu registrasi online adalah 19 Maret 2016 pukul 06.00 WIB s.d. 27 Maret 2016 pukul 23.59 WIB
- Pelamar hanya dapat melamar melalui situs web dengan mengikuti petunjuk pendaftaran. Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran
- Pelamar diwajibkan menggunakan komputer/laptop untuk melakukan registrasi online
- Pelamar wajib memiliki 2 (dua) alamat e-mail pribadi dengan domain yang berbeda dan nomor telepon seluler yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. PPM Manajemen tidak melayani perubahan/koreksi alamat e-mail dan nomor telepon seluler yang telah diinput oleh pelamar
- Pelamar dilarang menggunakan alamat e-mail milik orang lain dalam proses pendaftaran
- Untuk memudahkan Pelamar dalam melakukan registrasi online, persiapkan terlebih dahulu beberapa dokumen berikut ini. Data dari dokumen tersebut diperlukan untuk mengisi form registrasi.
- Kartu Identitas Diri (KTP) yang masih berlaku
- Ijazah S1/ S2 yang akan digunakan untuk melamar
- Transkrip Nilai S1/ S2 yang akan digunakan untuk melamar
- Sertifikat Pelatihan/Surat Referensi Kerja yang relevan dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan
- Pelamar diwajibkan menyiapkan soft file pas foto terbaru (maksimum 3 bulan terakhir) dengan ketentuan:
- Pas foto berformat JPG dengan ukuran file maksimum 100kb
- Laki-laki: Pas foto berlatar belakang Merah dengan menggunakan kemeja putih polos dan dasi serasi
- Wanita : Pas foto berlatar belakang Merah dengan menggunakan kemeja putih polos dan blazer berwarna gelap (apabila berhijab, blazer harus tetap terlihat)
- Pelamar diwajibkan melakukan upload pada saat melakukan Registasi Online dengan format JPG, masing-masing file/dokumen berukuran maksimum 500kb, yang terdiri dari:
- KTP yang masih berlaku
- Ijazah Asli yang digunakan untuk mengisi data saat registasi online
- Transkrip Nilai Asli (wajib menampilkan IPK) yang digunakan untuk mengisi data saat registasi online
- Surat Keterangan Bekerja bisa berupa Kontrak Kerja, SK Pengangkatan ataupun Surat Referensi Pengalaman Pekerjaan yang relevan. Khusus dokumen ini tidak diwajibkan tapi berpengaruh sebagai nilai tambah pada saat proses seleksi administrasi.
- Bacalah dengan teliti spesifikasi dan persyaratan seluruh Jalur/Program
- Masuk ke menu PENDAFTARAN
- Isikan PERNYATAAN yang tampil pada halaman web. Pelamar baru dapat melanjutkan tahap PENDAFTARAN ke pengisian Form Registrasi setelah menyetujui seluruh pernyataan tersebut
- Isikan form registrasi secara teliti, dengan informasi yang benar, dan dapat dibuktikan pada saat verifikasi dokumen/informasi
- Klik tombol KIRIM setelah Pelamar mengisikan seluruh data pada form registrasi
- Pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi melalui e-mail yang berisikan nomor registrasi untuk digunakan selama proses seleksi. Pelamar tidak akan menerima e-mail apabila alamat e-mail yang Pelamar input salah dan/atau sudah tidak aktif. Apabila Pelamar belum menerima email konfirmasi lebih dari 3 jam setelah mendaftar, silakan gunakan fitur kirim ulang email konfirmasi yang tersedia pada menu BANTUAN
- Pelamar diwajibkan mengunggah dokumen yang dibutuhkan melalui Login Upload Document yang tersedia pada menu BANTUAN
- Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi (27 Maret 2016 sampai dengan pukul 23.59 WIB) dan/atau tidak melamar secara online, dianggap tidak berlaku
- Jadwal kegiatan dan pengumuman hasil seleksi setiap tahap dapat dilihat pada Tabel Jadwal Kegiatan.
Registrasi Online & Seleksi Administrasi | Sabtu,19 Maret s/d Minggu, 27 Maret 2016 | Dilakukan melalui situs-web ini; pilih menu PENDAFTARAN | |
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi | Jumat, 1 April 2016 | Melalui situs-web ini | |
Tahap 1 | Tes Tertulis | Sabtu, 9 April 2016 s/d Minggu, 10 April 2016 | Informasi dan tata cara pelaksanaan akan disampaikan pada saat Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi |
Pengumuman Hasil Tes Tertulis | Rabu, 20 April 2016 | Melalui situs-web ini | |
Tahap 2 | Tes Individual | Sabtu, 23 April 2016 s/d Rabu, 27 April 2016 | Informasi dan tata cara pelaksanaan akan disampaikan pada saat Pengumuman Hasil Tahap 1 |
Pengumuman Hasil Tes Individual | Sabtu, 10 Mei 2016 | Melalui situs-web ini | |
Tahap 3 | Wawancara User | Sabtu, 16 Mei 2016 s/d Rabu, 24 Mei 2016 | Informasi dan tata cara pelaksanaan akan disampaikan pada saat Pengumuman Hasil Tahap 2 |
Pengumuman Hasil Wawancara User | Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016 | Melalui situs-web ini | |
Tahap 4 | Tes Kesehatan | Senin, 30 Mei 2016 s/d Jum'at, 3 Juni 2016 | Informasi dan tata cara pelaksanaan akan disampaikan pada saat Pengumuman Hasil Tahap 3 |
Pengumuman Hasil Tes Kesehatan | Rabu, 15 Juni 2016 | Melalui situs-web ini |
* Jadwal masih dapat berubah berdasarkan keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen & Seleksi
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