Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies Introduction Marketing has always been an exciting profession. There is

on Rabu, 24 Desember 2008

Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies


image001Marketing has always been an exciting profession. There is the challenge of coming up

with new and creative ways to catch the attention of the public, hold that attention long

enough to build up enthusiasm for a product line, and then motivate consumers to take

that final step and purchase the good or service.

There is a lot of time and effort that goes into developing a solid marketing plan, and

then even more resources required to actually get the plan rolling and producing results.

Like most professions, marketing follows some basic guidelines, based on what has

worked in the past. Unlike some professions, marketing is a fluid type of career. As

technologies change and the tastes of a fickle public shift, there is an ever increasing

need to be alert to new and exciting ways to get the point across to people who are

looking for just what you have to sell them.

Over the last couple of decades, the concept of Internet marketing as taken on a new

prominence in the scheme of promoting goods and services. Originally seen as more or

less an adjunct to traditional marketing methods, Internet marketing is now perceived as a legitimate and powerful form of marketing all its own. In many ways, Internet marketing

has taken the old rules and rewritten them for a new age.

One great thing about Internet marketing is that you do not have to study the concepts of

marketing for a number of years or obtain a degree in the subject before being ready to

step out and begin a marketing career. In fact, it is possible to learn the basics in your

home and during your spare hours.

Here are some things you should known about Internet marketing, what you need in

order to get started, and some tips on how to find the right types of places in the cyberworld

to look for important clues as to what you can effectively market.

Section One: Developing the Right Mindset

of a Successful Internet Marketer

While there are ways to self-teach yourself about how to be an effective Internet

marketer, it is important to realize that you must get yourself in the right frame of mind if

anything you learn is going to be of any help to your new career choice.

As is true with so many things in life, attitude can be the difference between a happy and

successful Internet marketer and someone who adds one more example of failure to a

long and growing list.

To that end, one of the first things you should do is develop a mindset that is positive.

You will want to apply this approach from the moment you choose to begin learning

about the concept of marketing on the Internet.

Telling yourself that there is nothing that you can’t learn to do and do well is the first step

in creating the right approach. You will find this level of confidence to be tested from the

very start of the process, so the sooner you develop this sort of "can-do" attitude, the

better off you will be.

Unless you already have a marketing background, chances are that as you begin your

studies, you will come across terminology that you are unfamiliar with.

For people who already doubt their basic ability to learn new things, this can be the

obstacle that derails them before they ever get started. However, if you simply remind

yourself that there is nothing you can’t learn, this will be nothing more than a small speed

bump on your way to success.

Instead of despairing because you don’t understand a word, stop for a moment and use

your access to the Internet to look up the meaning. Many search engines allow you to

enter a command of "define" followed by a keyword or key phrase. This will allow you to

find quick definitions for the word, and also provide you with links that go into more detail

about the concepts and applications that are connected to that word.

Remember that you are not engaged in a competitive race. If you need to spend an hour

or so researching marketing terms, then take the time and do it.

Getting comfortable with the lingo will only make it that much easier for you to read and

assimilate the information that you use as part of your self-training process. You will

thank yourself as you resume your studies and find that technical terms are no longer

slowing you down.

Along with learning about Internet marketing, it is a good idea to get acquainted with

basic Internet tools as well. There is a world of electronic marketing tools that are

available today. Some of them are free, while others cost very little. There are some

basic things that any Internet marketer will need to know and learn about using these


Learning before you go out and start assembling the tools will help you keep the right

attitude for two reasons. First, you will be able to side step grabbing the first tools you

see and holding on to them as if they were the Holy Grail of marketing. While there are a

lot of great support tools and software on the market today, there is also a lot of junk.

Take a deep breath and step back for a moment.

Remind yourself that you are in an investigative mode. Make note of tools that pique

your interest, but don’t leap on them until you have learned more about Internet

marketing and how to apply the tools. Then you will be in a better position to evaluate

what value, if any, a particular tool has to your marketing model and plan.

Second, you do not set yourself up to fail before you even begin. Like the old saying

goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth." Engulfing yourself with a bunch of tools in a

random fashion will only serve to confuse you and scatter your attention from your goals.

Keep focused, keep moving forward. This will prevent you from getting bogged down in

details that are not yet essential for you.

Above all, it is absolutely necessary that you meet every challenge with questions about

how to turn the situation around and make it into an opportunity. Remember every

challenge or problem is nothing more than an opportunity in disguise.

There will always be challenges, but an individual who is dedicated to the concept of

becoming a top notch Internet marketer will see these situations as stepping stones to

success, rather than a brick wall that cannot be climbed.

One thing to realize is that no matter how positive you try to be, there will be days when

it seems like nothing you study is making sense. Recognize that you will have those

days, but also remind yourself that every successful person from the beginning of time

has also had them.

When you feel the frustration level rising to the point that it threatens to undermine your

positive mindset to your marketing studies, it is time to take a short break. Push back the

chair, turn off the computer, and get out of the house. Go to a movie, take a walk, have

coffee with friends. The point is to change your location, the view around you, and the

focus of your attention for a short period of time.

Giving yourself this short break will do wonders for your cognitive abilities. Chances are

very good that when you return to your computer and pull up your study documents,

things will make a great deal more sense.

Remember that you can be whatever you want to be. All you have to do is take the time

to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills you need to reach your goals. This may

not happen overnight, but if you keep your chin up, work hard, and assimilate what you

need, your confidence in your ability will grow and you will get where you want to go.

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